Guardsquare’s Contributor Program: What it is & how to join

    For nearly 20 years, developers across the globe have optimized millions of apps with the help of Guardsquare tools.

    The knowledge and skills demonstrated among ProGuard users is impressive, and we have seen it across numerous platforms. These how-to guides and critical thinking examples we see are at the core of our Community, and we want to help empower you in those areas.

    As a next step in enhancing our collective efforts, we’re introducing the Guardsquare Contributor Program.

    What are the benefits to the program? Here are just a few:

    • Gain expanded access to the ProGuard and Guardsquare teams.
    • Recognition of your expertise on various platforms, like the
    • Guardsquare Community and our social platforms.
    • Earn Guardsquare swag and more!

    Fill out this brief form and we’ll reach out with next steps.

    Contributor logo


    Guardsquare Community

    Get recognized

    As a Guardsquare contributor, you’ll be showcased among the Community for your expertise with this badge and granted access to a private forum with our engineering team.

    What can I do as a contributor?

    There are a few things you can do as a Contributor to help share your expertise: