
    Technology Partners and Integration Ecosystem

    Expand on Guardsquare’s market leading suite of mobile application security solutions with a joint or third-party integration.

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    devops_icon-tech_partners DevOps

    Integrate Guardsquare’s market leading mobile application security products
    directly into your build pipline with popular third-party CI/CD applications

    BitriseBitrise Logo No Background

    This powerful integration consists of a Bitrise step that will automatically fetch your built application and then upload it to AppSweep. Doing so enables you to continuously scan your application for security issues, without any manual steps. To learn more, including how to deploy visit our Github repository.

    Guardsquare product(s): 

    Maintained by Guardsquare

    Report a Github issue.

    Additional Resources

    Gradle Enerprisegradle-enterprise-dark-green-secondary

    Given that Android Gradle is the de facto software tool to build Android packages and organizing a set of useful tasks with an
    Android Gradle Plug-in (AGP) empowers developers, we have three AGP integrations available.

    With our AppSweep Gradle plugin you can integrate continuous security testing of your app into your Android app build process. Learn more on our GitHub repo.

    The ProGuard Gradle plugin, available on Github, and streamlined with a Maven Central artifacts repository, allows you to directly tie into your Android project in order to automate and manage shrinking and optimizing of your Android application during the build process. Find step by step instructions in our ProGuard documentation.

    The DexGuard Gradle plugin, available for DexGuard customers can be obtained from a secure Maven repository. It allows you to tie DexGuard directly into your Android project to automate and manage shrinking, optimizing and securing your mobile application during the build process. Technical instructions can be found in our DexGuard manual in the Customer Portal.

    Guardsquare product(s):

    Maintained by Guardsquare

    Report an issue on Github AppSweep or ProGuard. 

    Additional Resources


    Trigger AppSweep analysis from within your Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline with Jenkins. Doing so enables you to continuously scan your application for security issues, without any manual steps. Learn more including step by step instructions in our blog.

    Guardsquare product(s):

    Maintained by Guardsquare

    devops_icon-tech_partners Monitoring

    Integrate Guardsquare’s market leading mobile application security products with
    third-party applications to enhance your reporting and monitoring capabilities

    Sentry sentry-wordmark-dark-400x88


    Upload Proguard and Dexguard mapping files to Sentry for Android in order to examine de-obfuscated stack traces. To implement follow the Sentry documention.

    Guardsquare product(s):

    Maintained by Sentry



    Firebase Crashlytics is a popular real time crash reporter for Android and IOS. A fundamental feature of Guardsquare protected mobile applications that hinders a reverse engineering effort is obfuscation. When an application is built with obfuscation, and that application crashes the resulting stack trace will reference obfuscated code entities. By loading mapping files and debug symbols into Crashlytics the resulting stack traces are easily interpreted by support and developers.

    Firebase Crashlytics supports the uploading of Proguard and Dexguard mapping files to deobfuscate stack traces. Android developers can follow the official Firebase documentation.

    Firebase Crashlytics supports IOS developers using iXGuard who need to upload dSYMS in order to deobfuscate stack traces. Reference the official Firebase documentation to learn more.

    Guardsquare product(s):

    Maintained by Firebase

    SmartBear BugSnag60d35f2415cabe008cdab492_bugsnag-sb-logo-color


    Reference the symbolication guide from Smartbear to learn how to manually upload dSYMS and deobfuscate crash reports.

    Guardsquare product(s):

    Maintained by SmartBear

    New Relic Android Agent_themes_custom_curio_assets_mediakit_new_relic_logo_horizontal


    Integrate Proguard and Dexguard with New Relic’s Android Agent for Mobile Monitoring. Included in the technical documentation you will find the configuration parameters, required keep rules along with step-by step instructions  for uploading mapping files to deobfuscate crashes.

    Guardsquare product(s):

    Maintained by New Relic


    Symbolicate application crashes by upload dSYMS to Instabug manually or using a script that ships with the SDK. Step by step instructions can be found here.

    Guardsquare product(s):

    Maintained by Instabug

    The Embrace integration enables engineers using Dexguard to get desymbolicated stack traces in Embrace. To implement follow the documentation.

    Guardsquare product(s):


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