Gradle Enerprise
Given that Android Gradle is the de facto software tool to build Android packages and organizing a set of useful tasks with an
Android Gradle Plug-in (AGP) empowers developers, we have three AGP integrations available.
With our AppSweep Gradle plugin you can integrate continuous security testing of your app into your Android app build process.
Learn more on our GitHub repo.
The ProGuard Gradle plugin, available on
Github, and streamlined with a Maven Central artifacts repository, allows you to directly tie into your Android project in order to automate and manage shrinking and optimizing of your Android application during the build process. Find step by step instructions in our
ProGuard documentation.The DexGuard Gradle plugin, available for DexGuard customers can be obtained from a secure Maven repository. It allows you to tie DexGuard directly into your Android project to automate and manage shrinking, optimizing and securing your mobile application during the build process. Technical instructions can be found in our DexGuard manual in the Customer Portal.
Guardsquare product(s):
Maintained by Guardsquare
Report an issue on Github AppSweep or ProGuard.
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