Mobile bank security

    Trustworthy and compliant financial app security

    Give your users confidence their financial data is in good hands. Protect against Android malware attacks, reverse engineering and tampering and meet compliance mandates like PSD2, PCI (DSS & MPoC), and more with Guardsquare mobile banking security.

    Financial services depend on user trust

    Mobile financial services depend on user trust

    But without the widespread adoption of security practices like code hardening or threat monitoring, it’s not hard to see why users have trouble entrusting mobile apps with their sensitive financial information. Connect with Guardsquare to benefit from a team of experts deeply versed in mobile banking app security best practices and ensure that your app has your users’ full trust.

    Less than 50% of these financial apps are using proper mobile application security.

    Source: Financial App Security Report

    Why security is key to mobile success

    In order to meet modern consumers’ wants and needs, financial app security is essential.

    Report: Most mobile financial apps fall short of security best practices

    We researched more than 3,000 of the world’s leading financial services apps on the Android marketplace and assessed their application shielding practices. Despite how essential mobile banking security is to the financial industry and its customer base.

    < 0%
    of financial apps apply best practices in mobile application security.

    of consumers who don’t use mobile payments cite security concerns as their main concern.

    of consumers are “very cautious” when sharing their financial data.

    What our customers are saying

    Guardsquare provides our team with quality and timely support that helps us deliver state-of-the-art applications to our demanding users. We participate in regular meetings with their product team to discuss upcoming features that could be beneficial for our company to integrate the latest security innovations into our products

    iOS Developer | Major mobile payment app

    Guardsquare has made it harder to break or modify our software. It also gives important information to our users if there’s a security issue. Our SDK has an API that allows developers to know if the application is jailbroken, a debugger is attached, integrity is tampered with, and more. Guardsquare does all of this without affecting the performance of the software.

    Product Manager | Major mobile payment app/SDK company

    As a company that operates in the finance space, security is one of our key priorities. With DexGuard and iXGuard implemented, our mobile apps are more secure and cannot be reverse-engineered. Most importantly, our customers’ sensitive information is protected within our mobile apps for Android and iOS

    Chief Technology Officer | Payments

    Comprehensive security

    We provide the full spectrum of protection for both Android and iOS financial service apps as well as mobile app security testing, platform-agnostic threat monitoring, and highly responsive support to maximize uptime and speed of implementation.

    Explore more resources

    Discover how Guardsquare provides industry-leading protection for mobile apps.