Open-source Technology
By now, we've invested an enormous amount of time in ProGuard. You can help by providing feedback! If you have problems, bugs, bug fixes, ideas, encouragements, etc., please let us know.
At Guardsquare, we develop ProGuard and its professional siblings DexGuard (for Android) and iXGuard (for iOS). If you find ProGuard useful and you are interested in more features or professional support, this is the place to go.
ProGuard is currently hosted on GitHub:
You can report issues on our issue tracker.
You can clone the source code yourself and create pull requests.
You may also find answers on Stack Overflow.
ProGuard used to be hosted on Sourceforge:
You can still read answers in the help forum.
You can still find discussions in the open discussion forum.
We still have reports on the bug tracking page.
We still have new ideas on the the feature request page.
You can still find all earlier versions in the download section.